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måndag 31 maj 2010

Obama declare Jihad acceptable, islamists are friends not enemies and he cancels the war on terror.


Obama declare Jihad acceptable, islamists are friends not enemies, and he cancels the war on terror.

His radical past is beginning to show up in all policy decisions that are made in the Obama administration.

We can make a long list of items where Obama has decided to be more helpful to the islamist terrorists opposed to the national security. Here are a few things Obama and his admin. did:

1. Make the 9-11 trial a staged propaganda victory for the Jihadists.
2. Apologise to the islamic world about how America defends itself after 9-11-2001.
3. Tell the world that American is now a muslim nation.
4. The New York anti-terror funds are slashed 11 days after the Time Square bomber failed.
4. The head of the Obama administration nation security team said a day after that the jihadist had no known terrorist connections. That statement was proven false.
5. The head of the Obama administration nation security team said a day after that the Fort Hood massmurder killer jihadist had no known terrorist connections. That statement was proven false.
6. His justice department gave the Christmans underwear bomber an attorney after asking questions only 50 minutes instead of pressing for more information.

more in the www.Obamafile.com

Barack Hussein Obama, jihad, islamist, war on terror, muslim,

Källa: Whathitthefan YouTube Channel (importerat inlägg)

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